Honorary Degree Application

An Honorary Degree (HD) is the university's highest accolade, bestowed on those individuals whose extraordinary achievements and service to the community are deemed worthy of praise and note. Through their stature and example, honorary degree recipients provide inspiration and leadership to the graduating class, the University, and the community. This degree, conferred honoris causa, "for the sake of honour", is said to honour both the recipient and the spirit of the institution.

Honorary Degrees from the University of Calgary are conferred on the authorization of the Senate. The Honorary Degree Committee determines suitable candidates for Senate's consideration and the recipients are ultimately chosen by the Chancellor and the President.


An HD recipient is a Canadian or non-Canadian who has made an extraordinary and impactful contribution to  their discipline, community or society. The recipient will reflect positively on the University and will  preferably have a connection to the University directly or the city of Calgary. As the University of Calgary  enters its next 50 years we continue to look to members of the community to nominate remarkable human beings to inspire our students and be part of the University of Calgary story. Nominations cannot be submitted for active politicians or those currently serving the University as members  of the Board of Governors, Senate or University employees. Previous recipients, forms and citations can be found online at: https://ucalgary.ca/chancellorandsenate/honours/honorary-degrees


 1. It is recommended that nominators complete background research to ensure their nominee has not already received an HD and read previous citations to identify the caliber of individuals receiving HDs. 

 2. Nominations require one primary letter of nomination and a minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 supporting statements from other individuals. The nominator should obtain the additional support letters with signatures then complete the nomination form online.

 3. Please ensure that your nomination letter clearly describes the reasons for the nomination and the contributions   of the candidate. Do not assume that members of the committee have personal knowledge of the candidate or the nominators. A summary of other accomplishments is helpful but a full bio or resume is only required if it is deemed of importance by the nominator. 

4. Nominees should not be informed of their nomination. Nominations are confidential.

5. It is preferable that an HD recipient personally attends the relevant convocation ceremony.

6. Approved nominations are held for a maximum of three years and will be considered for all convocations during that period

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.