Senate Student Athlete Community Leadership Award

Award Amount: $2000.00

This award is sponsored and chosen by the University of Calgary Senate. The University of Calgary Senate is a volunteer body that represents the public interest, promotes the university on the local, national and international levels and is comprised of diverse members who all excel in the community. The SSACLA is awarded to a Dinos Varsity Student Athlete for exceling in the classroom, in the community and in competition. 



1. Demonstrate community service through volunteerism and have a supporting statement from a supervisor or colleague with whom you have worked in a community service setting.

2. Supporting statement from your coach.

3. Short biography that highlights your achievements in the classroom, community and in your sport(s).

4. Preference will be given to applicants with strong academic standing.

5. Provide your GPA for the previous semester/year (if entering from high school, provide your graduating grade point average).


Thank you for your interest in becoming a recognized Affinity Community by the University of Calgary Alumni Association (UCAA)! 

The Affinity Community Program has been created to celebrate and recognize the many ways alumni choose to identify and gather. Whether it's around a common interest, shared identity or experience, department or program, location, or class-year, the program is here to help make connecting to fellow alumni easy and fun! When you register your Affinity Community with the Alumni Association, you will receive real benefit from both the university and the UCAA. Recognized groups will have access to funding, invitations to exclusive leadership opportunities, and a suite of tools and resources to empower you to take your initiatives to new heights.

The University of Calgary Alumni Association is committed to ensuring that our alumni feel supported, valued and connected to each other and to the university. We are dedicated to engaging our alumni community by fostering pride, spirit and tradition, harnessing their volunteer passion, and building and maintaining lifelong relationships with our alumni worldwide.

Thank you and we look forward to reviewing your submission!

Your UCalgary Alumni Engagement Team


A recognized Affinity Community may apply for funding through The Affinity Community Assistance Program (ACAP) which is supported by the Office of Alumni Engagement of the University of Calgary and administered by the Affinity Community Committee of the Alumni Association. The program provides financial assistance to Affinity Communities for their programs, events, and projects as they relate to university goals. The University of Calgary Alumni Association is proudly dedicated to engaging our entire alumni community by fostering pride, spirit and tradition. The university, together with the alumni association, provides exceptional value and ongoing support to our alumni worldwide.

The Affinity Communities Committee of the Board may deny any request for funding based on a Community’s failure to adhere to the below guidelines or any action by a Community that is not consistent with the mission and purpose of the Alumni Association.

Funding Guidelines:

  • You have been recognized as an Affinity Community by the Alumni Association
  • Application must be submitted by an active member of the Affinity Community 
  • Up to $2,000 per program, event, or project may be awarded.
  • Applications must demonstrate how the project/event will help achieve the following goals:
  • Strengthen the UCalgary network
  • Launch or grow Affinity Community membership base
  • Achieve or make progress on specific Affinity Community objectives (this refers to objectives the group highlighted on their Affinity Communities application form)
  • Promote mentorship of students and/or alumni 
  • Faculty-based affinity communities must demonstrate that the program/event is an affinity community led initiative and not a faculty led initiative (consider how this event will help the affinity community reach its goals and if this event would exist without the affinity community)
  • Funding does not cover the cost of alcohol, cannabis or any operating costs (exceptions to operating costs may be made upon discussion)

Conditions of Funding:

  • UCalgary Alumni Association must be acknowledged in all marketing materials including web postings, invitations, and news stories
  • Events should fall into one or more of the four focus areas: professional development; personal development; pride, spirit, and tradition; and philanthropy
  • Receipts, final attendance lists, pictures and event recaps should be sent to your UCalgary Affinity Community liaison within five (5) business days of event
  • Applications must include an estimated budget at time of submission
  • Retroactive and late applications will not be considered
  • Affinity Communities remain responsible for all planning and implementation of the program/event 

The UCalgary Alumni office will process funding requests on a first-come first-served basis until all program funds for the programming year (April 1-March 31) are disbursed.
Following evaluation, successful applicants will receive an agreement confirming details and conditions of funding.  Funding will be provided following sign off. 


The intent of the UCalgary Alumni All-Access (AAA) Partnerships Program is to leverage and support faculty, university, and community programming to more deeply engage a broad alumni audience while showcasing the best of UCalgary. Funding for student-focused initiatives is also available, and must still include an alumni component. 

We actively seek programming that aligns with our pillars of engagement:

  • Career development
  • Life-stage programming
  • Volunteer engagement
  • Community building
  • Philanthropy

If you're thinking of submitting an application, let us know! We're happy to discuss your initiative before you finalize your submission.

UCalgary AAA Partnerships Fund Requirements

All applications to the UCalgary AAA Partnerships Fund must demonstrate:

  • Alignment with one of the four funding categories (found below)
  • Program is applicant led and executable
  • Registration and attendance data will be tracked in BBCRM  or provided to UCalgary Alumni for the purpose of internal alumni engagement scoring, and a post-program survey is conducted. Flexibility is permitted for student-focused initiatives and community sponsorships
  • UCalgary Alumni will be recognized as a partner or sponsor in all program/event promotions and day of acknowledgements 
  • Alumni presence in the program (eg. alumni speakers, opening or closing remarks, etc.)
  • Programs/events are eligible for funding up to 25% of overall program budget (less contingency planning). Some flexibility is permitted for student-focused initiatives and community sponsorships on a case-by-case basis.
  • Applications are received by the required intake period for the initiative date
  • Budget actuals are reported to UCalgary Alumni in a timely manner

A detailed table of requirements for each funding category is found further in this application.

If you're unsure about theses requirements, please reach out! The intent is to be flexible, within reason, to help support your alumni engagement initiatives.

Conditions of Funding:

  • All applications will be reviewed by AAA Partnerships Fund Advisory Group
  • Following evaluation, successful applicants will receive an agreement confirming details and conditions of partnership. Funding will be provided following AAA Partnerships Fund Advisory Group approval.
  • Programs that receive funds from the UCalgary AAA Partnerships Fund are required to submit a final report including detailed budget to UCalgary Alumni upon completion of the project. A template is available for this purpose. 
  • The partner remains responsible for all planning and implementation of the program/event and covering any cost overruns.

Evaluation Criteria:

The proposals will be evaluated by the UCalgary AAA Partnerships Fund Advisory Group. In addition to alignment with the UCalgary AAA Partnerships Fund criteria, applications will be evaluated based on the considerations below: 

Strategic Value 

  • Alignment with one of UCalgary Alumni's pillars of engagement
  • The initiative allows for visibility of the UCalgary Alumni brand
  • Provides opportunities to build relationships with the program attendees, VIPs, and organizers and offers story opportunities

UCalgary Alumni Engagement, Participation and Presence

  • Expands alumni participation and awareness to an existing event, activity or initiative
  • Alumni are considered and important part of the initiative's success (as speakers, registrants, etc.)

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Indigenous Engagement

  • Program addresses equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility and Indigenous Engagement as a central theme
  • Organizers have taken extra care to highlight how they have addressed accessibility and equity of access through program planning elements (eg. special care to reach equity deserving groups, ask registrants if they need support to fully participate in the program, etc.)


  • The proposal enhances UCalgary’s reputation on or off campus 
  • The initiative creates an opportunity for other units, schools and faculties to engage alumni 

Please direct any questions to:

Ben Fleury, Specialist, Alumni Leadership Engagement 


Incl. guidelines 

An Honorary Degree (HD) is the university's highest accolade, bestowed on those individuals whose extraordinary achievements and service to the community are deemed worthy of praise and note. Through their stature and example, honorary degree recipients provide inspiration and leadership to the graduating class, the University, and the community. This degree, conferred honoris causa, "for the sake of honour", is said to honour both the recipient and the spirit of the institution.

Honorary Degrees from the University of Calgary are conferred on the authorization of the Senate. The Honorary Degree Committee determines suitable candidates for Senate's consideration and the recipients are ultimately chosen by the Chancellor and the President.


An HD recipient is a Canadian or non-Canadian who has made an extraordinary and impactful contribution to  their discipline, community or society. The recipient will reflect positively on the University and will  preferably have a connection to the University directly or the city of Calgary. As the University of Calgary  enters its next 50 years we continue to look to members of the community to nominate remarkable human beings to inspire our students and be part of the University of Calgary story. Nominations cannot be submitted for active politicians or those currently serving the University as members  of the Board of Governors, Senate or University employees. Previous recipients, forms and citations can be found online at:


 1. It is recommended that nominators complete background research to ensure their nominee has not already received an HD and read previous citations to identify the caliber of individuals receiving HDs. 

 2. Nominations require one primary letter of nomination and a minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 supporting statements from other individuals. The nominator should obtain the additional support letters with signatures then complete the nomination form online.

 3. Please ensure that your nomination letter clearly describes the reasons for the nomination and the contributions   of the candidate. Do not assume that members of the committee have personal knowledge of the candidate or the nominators. A summary of other accomplishments is helpful but a full bio or resume is only required if it is deemed of importance by the nominator. 

4. Nominees should not be informed of their nomination. Nominations are confidential.

5. It is preferable that an HD recipient personally attends the relevant convocation ceremony.

6. Approved nominations are held for a maximum of three years and will be considered for all convocations during that period

The Order of the University of Calgary honours recipients who have a record of exemplary and distinguished service to the university. It is available to any current or past member of the university community. Candidates nominated for membership in the Order may include, but are not limited to, current or former faculty, staff, alumni and volunteers.

The Order of the University of Calgary (OTUC) honours recipients who have a longstanding record of exemplary and distinguished service to the university. It is available to any current or past member of the university community. The award was developed by the Senate in 1994 based on an idea brought forward by the Chancellor at the time, David Smith and remains a significant part of the University recognition portfolio.


The Order of the University of Calgary is a highly prestigious award honouring University of Calgary community members who have contributed to the University and had impact above and beyond their role over a period of time. The award is open to anyone who is part of the University community including but not limited to faculty, staff, students, and volunteers. The committee is focused on ensuring the OTUC award reflects the organizational values and diverse make-up within the university community and is seen as a source of pride and inspiration to others.


Has the individual made a positive contribution to the University that exceeds the expectations of their role? 


How have the actions/contributions of the nominee impacted the University of Calgary? What change, innovation or improvement was brought about by this contribution? Who has the nominee impacted, influenced or inspired?

University of Calgary Alumni